16 Jan 2014

How to Troubleshooting performance loading speed RAM for Android Smartphone Easy Methods

In this post I discuss if android phone runs extremely slow when opening an application or a lot of loading and of course it makes you feel annoyed with your mobile phone . And suggestions for those of you who have the problem mentioned above you can get rid of files that are not considered essential and not used again stored on your android phone . But sometimes , even if you get rid of most of your data is your phone still feels slow . You do not need to worry , you can perform the way by adding RAM found on your android phone .

Troubleshooting performance loading speed RAM for Android Smartphone Easy Methods Bvandroid Tips Troubleshooting performance loading speed RAM for Android Smartphone Easy Methods Bvandroid Tips

RAM on android phones like the same RAM on the computer , when the RAM is full then the performance will be hampered and may seem slow or stopped altogether . If you want to increase the RAM on your android phone , consider the following steps . There are several steps that you must pass .

How To

STEP 1 :

Go to configuration in the application Swapper
Download and install the application on your android phone Swapper , once installed you can set it in the following way switch Active Swap on Boot option , then the swap position , you choose Fat Partition SDCARD . Furthermore, the Swap File Size enter the value you want to use as virtual memory and save these settings .

STEP 2 :

In the application configuration SD Booster
This application is used to increase the speed of SDCARD to read and write data . Once you download and install the application and set the fill to the Cache Size value in the column . Then if it is actively select the Set on Boot , which serves to indigo Cache Size does not automatically go back to the beginning when you restart the device .

STEP 3 :

Finally, add the RAM Script File JuWe
This file is used to set the RAM . Then you can run the following to the last step risers RAM . Download and extract the files in the directory D moved to the System folder / etc next set permission to rwxr - xr - x then restart your phone .

Last Words :

Now Finished your steps to increase the RAM on your android phone , and make sure if your phone will run faster again

I hope these tips help you, Don't forget to Drop Your comment thanks.

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