6 Nov 2013

How to Improve the Speed Performance of the Android

Android more popular in the world , because each is very friendly easy to use Android operating system for mobile devices . The average range of Android phones is not very strong to use many applications at the time, because Mid Range Android phone has less memory , the most powerful Android devices other . There are a lot of people ask me the same question that the way to improve the speed of Android , productivity , etc. And Ram Today I will show you basic tips on how to improve the speed of your Android phone . Everyone wants to play high quality games for Android phones and their mid- Rang after installing the game , they will be disappointing because the game would be delayed and may not be reproduced or compatible with your Android phone so if you want to play high quality games , and doing a lot of applications on your Android phone , then follow it and enjoy Android Speed ??.

Speed Performance of the Android

Here's Tips on How to improve the speed performance of the android :

1 . Since the release of Ram Disable background applications running

Mai reason to hang or slow your Android phone is a background process . If you want to speed up your Android phone , follow closely . You need to disable background applications as murder or force you to stop running background apps if you do it manually rather than hard work after every 5 or 10 minutes , so if you want to speed up your phone for a few seconds , simply set the NQ and optimize Android Booster your device , the app force close all background processes and speed up your Android device and release the RAM as well .
Android Booster Free Google Play link here

2 . Uninstall all applications and games are useless

If you have a useless app or game , you do not like a lot , and you do not need any of these applications , simply remove all the useless apps that you , as the application is useful for the performance of your phone , because this application uses your memory and Ram your phone memory , and then phone or low Ram memory , your phone will hang or run extremely slow . If you want to improve your Android phone , the speed just remove unneeded applications and Keep the applications you need .

3 . Turn off your data , Wi - Fi , Bluetooth , navigation , synchronization , Facebook , Whatsapp , Viber , etc.

Your phone is too slow , and you want to speed up your phone just shut Wi - Fi , Bluetooth for batter performance and it will be the impact on your battery also.if not just turn off GPS Etc Location Services and delete all the accounts you do not need to create an account if you do not have a Facebook account and then delete your Facebook account settings and will affect the performance of the phone , turn off synchronization for benchmarking and also when you need then including synchronization .

4 . Is there a restore

This is very interesting , because it will affect the Council Board to enhance your Android Speed ??100 % and you will get success to do this if your phone hangs or is too slow Every time you surf the Web What you feel is too slow then backup all data and applications , and just Restore factory .

That's All

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